Certificate of Registration(CW01& CR10)
BCA General and Specialist Builder License
ISO 9001:2015 for Manufacture of Precast Concrete Components, Prefrabicated bathroom units and ready mixed concrete
ISO 45001:2018 for Manufacture of Precast Concrete Components, prefrabicated bathroom units and ready mixed concrete
ISO 14001:2015 for Manufacture of Precast Concrete Components, prefrabicated bathroom units and ready mixed concrete
Certificate of Comformity – Ready-Mixed Concrete Certification
SCI: Precaster Accreditation Scheme for Category PC1, Product Group GS1, GS2, GC2 & GA (63 Tuas South Avenue 1, Singapore)
SCI: PBU Manufacturer Accreditation Scheme – Ultra-high Performance Concrete Prefrabicated Bathroom Unit (PBU)
bizSAFE Level Star